Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I'm so terrible with blogging. I even thought about it but I just didn't do it. I've been doing some scripting. Some style changes. I decided I will try to do my fresh start in April for Camp Nanowrimo. I really need to practice perspective and figure drawing.
My boyfriend is home this week for Spring Break!  I've missed him sooo much. Only 2 more months till he is home for summer break. I showed him some of my art stuff and he thought it was good and he was really supportive of me and my ideas and I just love that about him.
I have a funeral to attend this weekend. It's my first, accordingly to my mom at least. I think I've been to a funeral before or I've been having some really morbid dreams when I was younger.
I've been getting into a lot of tv shows like Bring it!, Preacher's Daughters, Hannibal, Bates Motel and I'm probably going to watch Believe tomorrow. DVR is wonderful!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today was a stressful day. I didn't get any work done whatsoever. When I finally did manage to wakeup I kinda just laid there. Got out of bed, ate breakfast and went upstairs to get to work. Only problem is one of my cats followed me upstairs and proceeded to bug me for 2 hours while I got no work done. When I couldn't take it anymore I put her in the hallway and locked my door. Then she started to cry endlessly and suddenly I'm crying. I just felt like I couldn't be successful or do anything because of her and my family. I'm constantly helping out my mom do things around the house and she calls me every 15 minutes to tell me something it's so annoying and frustrating.  Tomorrow I will try my heardest to start fresh. I'll ketchup with the pages that are halfway done at the end of the month and just do a new page tomorrow.  Im only on page 5 when I should be on page 11 and 12 sigh. I also sorted out the commission problem so im happy about that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Last moment

I know I have blogged but that's because I didn't have much to write about. I'm still only managing to draw a page a day sadly. Really trying to push myself though. So recently I was hired to do a commission. I was almost finished and the client tells me they changed their mind and they want something different. The first logo will no longer be used and now I have to create something totally new. I feel like I should charge her again right? I mean I'm completing two of them are and even though only one of them are being used I should be compensated for my time and effort right? I already got a deposit for that piece but it's still frustrating you know? I'll probably auction of the logo on deviantart.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The first day

I spent the whole day drawing so that's why I didn't blog. My tablet crapped out on me around 10 pm which means it won't be working till tomorrow. I finished a page today minus color and started the first panel on the second page. Since my tablets down I'll probably draw the cover traditionally but I still don't know what to do! Maybe something totally spies style. There aren't that many girl oriented comics out there to tell what type of comics appeal to them style-wise. I'll probably be scouring on the internet till bed time. I feel accomplished though. I worked out, I woke up on time, I got a page done.